Extreme Life Online

Extreme Church Mission Breakdown

Our theme: “Lifting up God’s Son, to change lives forever” – John 12:32

Our purpose and vision: 

“Know Christ, Share Him, Invade the impossible…Together!” -Luke 1:37

Vision Philosophy (Acts 26:20–23):

Ministry Beyond the Walls

Ministry Proportionate to Need

Ministry through the Power of God and His Team – the Church! 

John 11:17-44


1. By fulfilling the great command Matthew 22:37–39 and the great commission Matthew 28:18–20 through…

      Worshiping our God (Luke 4: 8)

      Evangelizing the Lost (Mark 16:15)

      Discipling God’s people (Matthew 28:18–20)

2. Breaking through the barriers of:

      Religion (Colossians 2:20–3:4)

      Racism (Colossians 3:11–17)

      Tradition (Colossians 2:8)

By  the power of God’s word in spirit. Released through the Church’s  warfare prayers, intercession, Spirit empowered ministry, gifts and  witness. (2Timothy 3:16-17, John 8:31-37, Luke 4:18-19)

3.  Developing and providing Spirit lead, leading edge ministries, events  and outreach to connect the millennial generation to Christ. As well as  all men, women, children and families in our community. (1Peter 4:10–11)

Connect with Christ and… Go to the extreme! Ephesians 3:20-21 

Christ the Risen and Reigning Son of God is the Ultimate Extreme!